Steps of Work

7 Main Steps Of Work


Step 1: Initial Consultation

Our approach starts with a detailed initial consultation to grasp your company’s specific hiring needs and culture. We discuss the desired skills, specific requirements, and the ideal profile for potential candidates.


Step 2: Customized Recruitment Strategy

From the insights gained during the consultation, we tailor a recruitment strategy. This strategy involves identifying the best channels for finding talent, crafting effective job descriptions, and setting a recruitment timeline.


Step 3: Extensive Talent Search

We engage in an extensive search for talent utilizing our wide network, industry contacts, and sophisticated sourcing methods. Our objective is to find a diverse array of candidates who match your company’s goals and values.


Step 4: Thorough Screening and Evaluation

Candidates are put through a comprehensive screening process that includes evaluations of their skills and personality, along with preliminary interviews. We ensure that those shortlisted not only meet the required specifications but also integrate well with your company culture.


Step 5: Matching Candidates with Clients

We recommend the most appropriate candidates for your review, supplying detailed profiles and evaluations. We organize initial interviews to let you directly evaluate the candidates, confirming they meet your expectations.


Step 6: Coordinated Interview Process

We handle all aspects of interview organization, including scheduling and logistics, to simplify the process for both you and the candidates. We support both virtual and in-person interviews, aiming for a smooth and effective interaction.


Step 7: Ongoing Post-Placement Support

Our support continues after placement. We offer post-placement assistance to ensure a smooth integration for the new hire. We also conduct follow-up reviews to resolve any issues and guarantee continued satisfaction for both you and your new employee.